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Wim van Buuren

Meet the author

Wim van Buuren

After finishing the Nautical College in Rotterdam, Wim van Buuren went to sea as a nautical officer. A few years later he also graduated as maritime engineer and sailed on board a variety of ships around the globe as a dual discipline officer. In 1995 Wim became a maritime pilot at Loodswezen (Dutch Pilotage) in the Port of Rotterdam. During his years as a pilot, Wim worked, amongst others, on the teaching, instructing, and assessing of pilots on navigation and manoeuvring. He also developed navigational software, an alternative GNSS positioning system, bollard pull calculation software and mooring analyses software. In 2016 Wim founded ‘Internauticon’, a consultancy firm involved in port development and accessibility, and the training of pilots for sea and river pilotage. After retiring from the Loodswezen he is now nautical technical advisor at North Sea Port for both the Flemish and Dutch port basins.

As a volunteer Wim sails on board the historical ocean going tug ‘Elbe’.

Wim has a warm bond with Brazil and considers this country his second home where he develops all kinds of activities both for work and for leisure.