Publications in the Port Logistics industry
Ports are the transfer points between sea and land and play an important role in the movement of goods from their source to factory, and on to consumers worldwide via distribution centres. The logistical management of these supply chains can best be achieved with the correct education and knowledge.
Although we live in a digital world with cutting-edge advancements in robotics and other innovations, it is the human touch that often makes the difference at critical moments, when decisions have to be made to ensure that products are delivered on time in the most sustainable and safe way. Our publications provide professionals with the latest insights into ports and logistics. They are also a source of basic information for those just starting with their training or education. What essentially is a container, what shape and size do they come, which regulations apply, or what is the difference between a warehouse and a distribution centre in a port. How do we ensure that they all communicate efficiently?
Our Port Logistics publications are written by logistic experts who work and teach in the supply chain sector. Due to their great experience they are sought after as teachers, and have helped numerous students prepare for a career in ports and logistics.